Edwords Horticulture

What to Expect with Raymond Edwords

An amazingly complete, overall approach that gets things done! Real world outcomes! Actionable plans. Answers!

On time, on station. Prepared, polite, professional and motivated to help YOU! I work in your best interest.

Before I arrive at the site I have already studied the project and reviewed the data/imagery. I show up with Answers, Ideas and a plan for success. It is then refined with your thoughts and feelings incorporated.

You are buying my time so we will go down your list of questions, concerns. I can draw, dictate, explain, teach anything you want within that time. If you want I will professionally comment on things that you should know about.

I follow through and return email, voice or text within 24 hours. I won’t leave you hanging. After the initial consultation,I will answer your questions gratis.

DIY property owners gain equity and beauty! Contractors and owner/builders get success. All gain monetary appreciation in that 20-40% of your real estate evaluation is in the grounds. If your grounds aren’t appreciating you are losing the value. It’s as simple as that from an investment perspective.

My successful landscape clients find that the overhead savings and Happiness factor really add up!

No one in Southern Ca. is offering anything close…

I do not sell, install, or maintain properties. I am in the brain power business. Unless you’re in a bind, I don’t make referrals, I’m separate from sales. I’m here to advance your goals not sell you something.